Thankfully there was a think plane of glass between me and this orangutan at the San Diego Zoo. He didn’t seem to mind me being this close so I could take his picture.
Thankfully there was a think plane of glass between me and this orangutan at the San Diego Zoo. He didn’t seem to mind me being this close so I could take his picture.
Emily Cain
Hi Kirk,
I am the co-founder of a nonprofit that is dedicated to creating puzzles and toys for captive apes to increase their activity and reduce boredom and stress. I’m going to be making a poster to present my research and promote the nonprofit, and I need a high-quality photo of a bored-looking orangutan. I was wondering if I could use your “bored orangutan” photo, and if so, do you a charge a use fee?
Thanks so Much!
Kirk Sylvester
Of course. I just sent you an email with details and the photo. Enjoy!